Unusual Sheet Sizes Around the World


When it comes to bedding, sheet sizes can vary greatly from one country to another. While the standard sizes such as twin, full, queen, and king are common in many parts of the world, there are some unique sheet sizes that are specific to certain countries.


In Japan, the futon is a traditional bedding style that includes a futon mattress and a top sheet called a kakebuton. The futon mattress is typically around 3 feet by 6 feet, while the kakebuton varies in size depending on the user's preference.


Indian beds often come in a variety of sizes, including the traditional charpoy bed. Charpoys are woven rope beds that come in various sizes, with the most common being around 4 feet by 6 feet. Sheets for charpoys are typically custom-made to fit these unique dimensions.


European bed sizes also differ from the standard American sizes. For example, the European queen size bed is slightly larger than its American counterpart at around 63 inches by 79 inches. This means that European queen sheets may not fit on an American queen-sized mattress.


In Australia, there is a unique size called the king single, which falls between a twin and a full size. A king single mattress is typically around 42 inches by 80 inches, making it a popular choice for single adults and teenagers. Sheets for king single beds can be harder to find due to its less common size.


Exploring the various sheet sizes around the world can provide insight into different cultures and bedding practices. Whether you're traveling abroad or simply curious about how bedding differs globally, understanding these unique sheet sizes can be both informative and fascinating.